Sunday, November 7, 2010

Excellent ways to make extra cash from home

Why do you think making cash at your house is so difficult for most people? Making money at your house should be as easy as Earning cash at home is a dream for lots of individuals, however this is 1 fantasy tha’s as much out of sight as winning the jackpot, but why?

2 Techniques That Work Great

Creating great posts – If you have ever seen a website called hubpages, squidoo and ehow then you probably will have a greater understanding about where I’m going with this. All 3 of these sites offer a percentage of their ad revenue each time a visitor clicks on one of the ads on an article you published.

The thing with a lot of people and making money on the internet is that they don’t know where to start and to be honest I didn’t either. When I first started years ago I was sending emails to potential prospects hoping to receive writing jobs for their sites, but this is much nicer for three reasons;

1. These sites get more traffic, which means more income

2. The sites will rank higher in the search engines which means more traffic

3. You don’t need to waste time looking for work, you simply write an article and hope it makes some money.

It is easy to begin publishing articles with these sites as long you just start right now, writing articles is extremely simple and once you see the money being earned you’ll fall in love.

Blogging – Blogging has been around for years, so you probably have heard a little bit about it. Blogging is all about building trust with your readers and it is one of the nicest ways to earn cash from homeBlogging is more than simply publishing a few posts on a website, it’s all about establishing a relationship with your reader and allowing them into your personal space.

The first step to becoming a excellent blogger is to get a website up and running. In order to get your website running you first need to purchase a domain name and host your site, I highly recommend GoDaddy and Bluehost for these two things. Each of these companies offer excellent support to help you along the way.

Whether you like blogging or writing articles they are both similar, you need to write articles for you site no matter what it’s about. This is why I like both of these methods to make money quickly online.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

My Super Simple Way To Make More Money Every Single Day

Are you tired of not making enough cash every day and simply want more? When it comes to earning money there’re some tricks that you need to understand that will help you earn more while actually working less.

What are those tricks?

There’re three tricks that I use to earn more cash each day while not working as much and they are; create 2 hours of 10 mintues blocks each day, create a full days plan, use outsourcing as a way to relieve your work load.

Out of all 3 of these tricks the one I do the most is fill up two hours with work using no more than 10 minute blocks and the reason is because this is the best way to break up your day. The first thing I do is decide what I need to get done that day and then I rearrange it in my 2 hour planner and that’s what I will do. The secret is to not just do one 2 hour block every day, but do 2, 3 or even 4 every day. If you could do more than what everyone else is doing then you will be better off and making more money.

I know you must already know why making a plan for the day is a fantastic idea and why I think of it as trick, but just in case I will explain it to you. Making a plan for the day eliminates the time you normally would just sit there wondering what you’ll do, you just do what is on your plan. When I think about my plans I always choose only things that will make me money.

Here is my philosophy in regards to outsourcing; outsource, outsource, outsource. If you’re serious about earning more cash each day then you have to understand how valuable outsourcing can be to your business.

When it comes to all three of these tricks the most important one is outsourcing because that is the only one that you can leverage and the more outsourcing you do the higher chance you will make money quickly every day.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The Super Secret Method to Build Better Backlinks Faster

When it comes to getting traffic online it all comes to receiving backlinks to your site, right? Usually the first thing anybody learns about building backlinks and where to get them from is to get backlinks from very quality websites because quality backlinks are better than quantity, but why might that be?

The reason people say to build quality backlinks is because each backlink is like a vote and the more you have from trusted and reputable websites the better off your site will be. Here is the problem; you are putting all your eggs in one spot. Think about this, what would happen if the all mighty Google decides to alter their algorithm again and goes from quality to quality plus quantity? I bet a lot of people would be struggling to build more links rather than simply quality links.

One thing that I do that I gets lots of grief about is that I am building too many non quality backlinks, but in my opinion I am just getting prepared for 2 things. The first thing I am getting ready for is in the unfortunate case that Google changes their algorithm around, because this way I would have all bases covered. And the second thing I am getting prepared for is those junk sites that I have many links on to become authority websites.

Let me ask you something; if Facebook emailed you the day they went online and asked to exchange links would you have done it? Probably not because they were not considered a reputable website , but would you now? Or coarse you would, you are no dummy and you understand that with more than 500 million members that having a link on the homepage of Facebook would bring you lots of traffic and make your site jump in the search engines. That is why if you want to make money quickly with your website that you must first build both quality and quantity backlinks.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Ways To Get Fast And Free Traffic To Your Website Today

When it comes to receiving fast and free traffic to your website there really is only one strategy that always works better than everything else and that is article marketing. The fantastic part regarding article marketing is there are lots of article directories that you can send your articles to that you will never have to worry about running out of new places to submit to .

Have you ever done article marketing?

Here is why you need to do article marketing if you haven’t already . I highly suggest beginning article marketing because of 3 reasons; you get links directly from the article directory , the article directory will send you traffic , and you can get backlinks and traffic from more sites which utilize your writing on their websites .

All 3 of these things are what keeps me creating new articles each day. If you are serious about using article marketing to receive quick free traffic to your site then you have to write more than just a few article each week, I recommend writing at least one article each day and sending it to at least 5 different article directories.

My list of article directories :

* Ezinearticles
* Goarticles
* Articlesbase
* Buzzle
* articledashboard
* Hubpages
* Squidoo
* Blogger
* livejournal

If you send your articles to all of these sites then you’ll receive a bunch of targeted traffic to your website in a very short time . Think about this, if you will write two articles per day and submit it to all these websites then you will get 18 new backlinks each day. Just think how many backlinks you would have after doing this for only 2 months . How about after a full year of doing this ?

I hope you understand why this is the best quick and free strategy to get traffic right to your website . If you are not sure about article marketing to get you more traffic then I really recommend trying it for just one month and see how it goes . If you ask me this is the best way to make money quickly from your site .